Have you ever been in shock from watching a fellow airplane passenger do/say something incredulous? Oh, the stories I could tell! I am always surprised at how inconsiderate some fliers can be. None of us are thrilled to be crammed into a metal tube that flies through the air at 35,000 feet, but there are ways to make it more pleasant. One of those ways is to have consideration for other passengers. You would think the suggestions below would be obvious, but let me tell you, they are NOT! Next time you fly, take into account those seated nearby. Because of the proximity of passengers, any one of these offenses listed below could make your flight less than desirable. This list is compiled based on what I have seen when flying.
Airplane Etiquette Suggestions
Please don’t bring strong-smelling food onto the plane such as a tuna sandwich, smelly cheese, a burrito, or pickled onions
An airplane is not the place to give yourself a manicure or a pedicure. The smell of nail polish wafts through the cabin and let’s not even talk about those who clip their nails on the plane.
Please wear deodorant!
Clean up your mess (food wrappers, empty bottles, tissues, etc.)
Don’t hog the overhead bins with all the extra bags you brought onboard.
Please don’t allow your children to kick the seat in front of them repeatedly.
Please don’t let your kids run up and down the aisles.
Please use the bathroom to change your baby’s diaper. Don’t do it on the seat.
Respect personal space. Some people are not looking to make new friends while flying, so if your seatmate doesn’t return the conversation, get the hint and stop talking.
Please don’t spread all your “stuff” out all over. If you sit in bulkhead seats, don’t assume the entire floor space is for your child to run back and forth or set up camp. Furthermore, the bulkhead area is NOT the bathroom waiting area. Those who purchased those seats paid extra and most likely don’t want you hovering over them.
Please don’t grab the seatback when getting out, because you not only jerk the person in that seat, but you may even pull her/his hair. Ouch.
Please use headphones/earbuds when playing electronic games or listening to music. We don’t all care to hear your music or your game.
Please put your seat upright when meals arrive. It is hard to eat when the seat in front of you is reclined, and the tray table is even closer than normal.
Please cover your mouth when you have a hacking cough or a sneezing attack. No one else wants your germs.
Please be kind to the flight attendants. They are not your personal servants.
Don’t be so annoyed if you are in the aisle seat, and the middle and window seat passengers have to get up to use the bathroom.
Don’t walk around barefoot on the plane. Just don’t.
The airplane is not the place to get drunk. I get that you may be a nervous traveler but please limit your consumption. Drunk passengers are typically not pleasant.
The flight is not the place for intimate encounters. It is one thing to kiss your loved one, but another to become so engrossed in one another as to make fellow passengers uncomfortable.
A little consideration can go a long way.
Do you have any memorable airplane stories you care to share? What is the worst thing you have seen while flying?
Happy traveling!
Natalie xo
Oh, my goodness! I was laughing out loud reading your post today as I thought of the many infractions I have seen over the years. I remember a time traveling with my 18 month old son. My mom and I came directly from a family reunion picnic in Minnesota and boarded our plane for California. My son had a sippy cup he was voraciously sucking on as we ascended. My mom asked what he was drinking, and I told her it was the rhubarb punch from the picnic. I said that he had been drinking it all morning, and “just loved it”! Mom then informed me that RHUBARB IS A NATURAL LAXATIVE!!! About that time I smelled something awful, and so did the nearby passengers! I hustled him to the spacious bathroom (as you suggested) where I found he had become Mount Vesuvius! I quickly found out the few clothes and little travel wipe box from his diaper bag were going to be woefully insufficient! I was doing my best in my cramped quarters with my screaming toddler until the knocking on the door started! Oh, my gosh! I can laugh now….
Oh my, this is a hysterical story!! I was laughing out loud, Corrine! Thanks for sharing that 🙂
Hilarious!! 😂
I was once asked if my legs were broken, or I had some “problem” with them, as I would not let the guy in front of me fully recline his seat before the plane had even started down the runway….
That is a great story! People can be so inconsiderate on airplanes.