Friends, sun, sand, and sea, that sounds like a summer to me. ~ Unknown
~What I Learned This Summer~
1. Seeing my daughter in a military uniform was so much more moving than I anticipated.
2. I realized I love cold brew coffee.
3. If I am going to take a trip, I need to plan a vacation as well.
4. Using Uber is a great way to meet all kinds of people you never would otherwise.
5. Dogs can suffer from seasonal allergies just like humans.
6. After leaving our church home of 18 years, my husband and I have had to rethink what “church” means to us.
7. I discovered I love bullet journaling.
8. Spending money to buy products from companies that ethically and responsibly produce items is becoming more and more important to me.
Your thoughts are always such a joy to read. Now I will have to think through the things I have learnt this summer 💖
Love you
Thank you, sweet friend. Yes, It’s good to think about! Love you xo
Loved this! It has had me pondering all morning!
Thanks, Patti. I love keeping track because otherwise, I forget!
I loved your thoughts and insights! I agree I love trips but vacations are good too! My husband and I went on a cruise in January. It is a good mix and it was so refreshing to get away!
How fun that you went on a cruise! We haven’t done that in years. Thanks for reading, Erin xo
I hope we can chat at the Hope*Writers weekend in Charlotte. We left our church also. It’s been a hard and difficult road.
I always enjoy reading your posts.
Let’s plan to get together to talk. I will message you. I am so sorry you are walking that hard road, too 🙁
Thank you, Natalie! I can relate to all of those except the coffee, but I do order my favorite foods wherever I go–some are better than others, but when they get it “right,” it’s SO worth it. I had an awesome Lobster Mac n Cheese followed by an amazing chocolate lava cake in NJ! I’m always in search for comfortable shoes and haven’t found them. Allbirds looks intriguing. Are they all that?
Ooh, lava cake sounds amazing!!! Yes, Allbirds are very, very comfortable. Tony, Alex, and I have them and love them. They feel like cushy slippers!
Thanks, I’ll try them!
It’s always delightful to read about your simple joys, simple life in every day life. Fun! They are a day brightener (or evening!). Thanks!
Thank you so much for your sweet words of encouragement, April! I appreciate it 🙂